Stuff I read, Junk I write.

Reading and Books

Hey there! Do you have a favorite book? I have TONS of favorite books.

Right now I am in the process of reading The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton.

I recently finished the Fable Haven Series, By Brandon Mull.

One of my favorite series of all time, (not surprisingly) is Harry Potter! J.K. Rowling is amazing, and I am really really excited for the new movie to come out!


I like to write occasionally, I usually have to have an idea I really want to share.  I am hoping to get some of my writing on here shortly. (Which is not very much.) My sister is also an amazing writer. She is definitely a much better author than I am. So I will be sharing her stories as well. =D

Natalie's Writing

Kiara lay crouched in the grass. Concentrating hard on her hunt. She wasn't a cub anymore she wanted to show her father that she could take care of herself she would be leaving the safety of the territory she had always known, and...... Suddenly she heard a sharp crack behind her. She whirled around.

"Keenai!" She shouted angrily. "You made me lose the prey. It's your fault that we don't eat tonight." She stared after the antelope that was frantically running away.

Keenai just stared at the ground, head bent. "Sorry Kiara..." Kiara looked at him and suddenly softened. He was young, he had much to learn. "Come Keenai." She said, "Mother will be waiting."

Kiara started racing ahead towards the big tree wit the big rock under it. It wasn't easy living out on the Sahara, there was only sufficeient water supply half of the year. Right now it was the dry season and things were hard.

Kiara stopped when she reached the huge boulder which they called home. She yowled out a greeting. Slowly a magnificent cat emerged fromthe other side. Her glossy gold fur shone, her spots were midnight black. She swung her powerful head to look at Kiara.

"My daughter, how was your hunt?" The beautiful cheetah asked.

Kiara glared over at Keenai. "It was perfect kill, until he came." She sighed.

Kiara watched as, Keenai stared at the ground once more. He couldn't take the glares of his mother and his sister. H e was glad his father wasn't there to see him. He had been foolish, and had lost a good hunt that would have fed his family for months. Or at leas a good couple weeks with Kovu around.

"Come her little one" said the cheetah on the rock. "You are my son and you will become a great hunter one day, you are just learning." She ruffled his fur as she licked the top of his head.
To be continued....

Panda's Writing

Coming soon!

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